Sunday, December 27, 2009

Geneaology Bug

I have never had a very strong urge to do genealogy. Either because I come from families where a lot of it was already done by people who know what they're doing a lot more than I do, or because I have little kids and have always felt it's not my "season" for doing this kind of time intensive work. But I got assigned to attend a Family Search Sunday school class recently and attended my first class today. It uses the LDS genealogy website As I sat in class with my iPhone in hand, I was so excited that I had to get online, register, and start exploring, right there in church!

It was hard to view on my iPhone, so when I got home I got out the laptop to take a better look. And I spent the next several hours just viewing what others had done, seeing how far back my lines went, and reading detailed information on several ancestors. I have to say, I found myself more interested than I thought I would be. But I noticed some lines that dead ended. And some information that was missing. And some temple work that needed to be done, and I wondered why. So I called my brother, who had done most of the work on our immediate family lines, and found out that he had this blog. We talked for a while and I think I'm going to have to give up my excuse that it isn't my season. I probably won't have a ton of time, and maybe I won't contribute much. But for posterity's sake (as well as my ancestors' sake), I figured I better start writing down what I accomplish....if anything. (I'm trying to be realistic.)

Thanks, Ben, for including me on this. Hopefully we'll find some new information!