Thursday, August 13, 2009

James Benjamin Freeman Davis Tombstone has a new service, Find an Expert. You use it to find a genealogist in the area where you are performing research, and they will go out and pull records or take pictures for you. I wanted to give it a try, and also to get records of my fathers Tombstone, which I've never been able to visit. (I haven't been to Michigan since I was 18!) It cost $20, but was a great investment to get this:

1 comment:

  1. Wow - I went to the Clawson prom with Jim Davis, who went to a different school. Always meant to ask why he was so dam' late - I was afraid he was standing me up! So far I've had 25 more years of life than he has, and I'm still healthy. That's no fair. His poor parents.
